PARKBENCH12 provides a standardized digital marketing platform to make your products more attractive, get more views, and get better exposure. In a technologically advanced world, you need the help of a direct digital marketing platform.

Toronto, ON (Merxwire) – In order for the public’s products to be effectively exposed and sold, Parkbench12 announced that they are introducing a standardized platform for direct digital marketing. This standard format is designed to be an introductory platform for direct digital marketing services allowing you to gauge the verify the effectiveness.
No matter what kind of products you want to sell or different service items, if you need to notify the public, then digital marketing platforms are right for you. No matter what happens to you, the key is to get more web traffic and more exposure. Direct digital marketing is one of the keys to achieving your goals, and can effectively show your brand and story to the audience.
The standardised format is not only affordable but it will produce verifiable traffic over a 30 day period. A combination of bulk direct marketing and re-targeting during the promotion period. Get exposure, get traffic and get noticed.
With our tried and true, proven methods of advertising, we know how properly identify your target audience. Not just any audience however…we focus on getting your brand and offer in front of customers that are MOST likely to and are ready to BUY.
Many businesses approach growth with too many complicated methods and look to change aspects that aren’t directly related to growth. The reality is – growth is simple. How does any business grow? Simply by getting MORE customers. That’s where we come in. We take the load off your lead generation process and streamline the process to bring in more customers in a predictable manner – without asking you to do any more work or change your business.
What is our number one priority? It’s simple. To bring you enough customers monthly that your return on advertising is an irresistible spend. Your success is our success. And we verify your success by tracking leads we send and providing you with in depth, easy to read reports on our activities.
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Media Contact Information:
Company Name: PARKBENCH12
Contact Person: James Marsh
Country: Canada