Home LanguageEnglish Support Hualien Taiwan: April 3rd Earthquake Fundraising Campaign

Support Hualien Taiwan: April 3rd Earthquake Fundraising Campaign

by Irma Katherine

HUALIEN, TAIWAN (Merxwire) – On the early morning of April 3rd, Hualien County was struck by a devastating 7.4 magnitude earthquake, the most severe in the past 25 years. This disaster resulted in significant casualties and property damage. Latest reports confirm 17 fatalities and 1,145 injuries. Additionally, numerous roads, bridges, and buildings have been destroyed; 111 buildings are structurally compromised or collapsed, affecting 1,939 households, with 297 other buildings requiring minor repairs. The Hualien County Government is currently launching a fundraising campaign to help victims rebuild.

Since the earthquake, the Hualien County Government has completed various emergency rescue operations, including services such as assisting trapped residents, providing temporary housing, medical care, and supplies. The upcoming medium to long-term reconstruction efforts and transitional housing for affected residents pose a serious challenge for the county government.

In light of the current emergency, the Hualien County Government is launching a fundraising campaign to solicit support from philanthropists and organizations both domestically and internationally to assist the reconstruction of the earthquake-affected areas. Donations will be used for local disaster victim’s housing, building reconstruction, living subsidies, industry loss compensation, and industry revitalization.

The Hualien County Government commits to strict oversight of all donations to ensure transparency and accountability in their use for relief and reconstruction efforts. Regular updates on the fundraising and expenditure details will be published on the Hualien County Government’s official earthquake section website at https://www.hl.gov.tw/0403/ .

Donation Information:

ACCOUNT NAME: Hualien County government major disaster social assistance fund
BANK NAME: Bank of Taiwan, Hualien branch
BANK ADD.:NO.3 Kung Yuan Road Hualien City, Taiwan
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 018-038-09819-1
Hualien County Government, Taiwan


Media Contacts:
Hualien County Government
Section Chief Li Guan-Ting

SOURCE: Hualien County Government

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