The brain manages emotions, memory, reaction, and learning abilities, and is also an important part of the body that gives commands. Studies have found that supplementing nutrients beneficial to the brain, such as Omega-3, flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin B complex will help improve cognitive function and delay brain aging.

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TAIPEI, TAIWAN (Merxwire) – The brain manages our emotions, memory, reactions, and learning abilities. It is also an important part of the body that gives commands. Age, stress, sleep status, illness, and environment can all affect brain health. Studies have found that supplementing nutrients beneficial to the brain, such as Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin B complex, etc., will help improve cognitive function and delay brain aging.
The first essential nutrient for the brain is high-quality and healthy lipids, such as Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most people think that consuming healthy oils is good for cardiovascular health, but in fact, these good oils also have a direct impact on the brain. Omega-3 is an important component of cell membranes and a basic substance needed to build the brain. This nutrient is contained in fish oil, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and avocados, and is the first to be supplemented.
The second nutrient needed by the brain is flavonoids. Their excellent antioxidant power can fight against the aging of the brain and body and also have anti-cancer effects. Among them, quercetin has been proven to improve memory and learning ability, maintain brain function, and help improve allergic symptoms. Foods containing flavonoids are quite colorful, including ginkgo, cocoa, berries, dark green vegetables, grapes, etc., which can supplement the flavonoids needed by the human body and are beneficial to brain health.
The third needed nutrient is carotenoids, which are mostly found in yellow, orange, or red fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, mangoes, papayas, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Carotenoids benefit the cognitive functions of the brain and slow down oxidative stress and damage to the brain. In addition to maintaining brain health, these yellow-orange fruits and vegetables also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which can reduce macular degeneration and prevent eye damage from blue light in 3C products.
The fourth needed nutrient is vitamin B complex. Folic acid is one of the necessary components of the brain. A lack of folic acid can cause cognitive impairment and neurological problems. Therefore, doctors will recommend that mothers in early pregnancy take folic acid to help the baby’s brain and nerve development in the mother’s belly. When supplementing with folic acid, you can take it together with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. The nutrition will be more complete and it can better maintain sound cognitive functions. Green leafy vegetables, beans, asparagus, beef, nuts, and eggs are all good sources of B vitamins.

and can maintain brain cognition and memory. (Photo via
The fifth nutrient is vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol. Studies have shown that its powerful antioxidant properties help maintain brain cognition. If the concentration of vitamin E in the serum in the brain is reduced, it will cause memory decline in the elderly. Good oils in nuts contain a lot of vitamin E. Vegetable oils, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, and blackberries also contain vitamin E. We can also eat more to supplement vitamin E.
Calcium and magnesium are also important nutrients needed by the brain. They can enhance the connection and communication between neurons, allow the brain to operate smoothly, and maintain normal information transmission functions. Calcium helps nerve cells maintain normal function and regulates the flow of neurotransmitters. Magnesium can increase the activity of vitamin B complex, allowing the brain to get the benefits of vitamin B complex, and can also play a role in pulse transmission. Beans, dairy products, and cabbage are all rich in calcium. Whole grains, meats, nuts, and green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium.
The brain plays an indispensable role in directing the body’s actions and reactions and mastering important memory and learning abilities every day. Even though our bodies will suffer from oxidation and aging threats as we age, if we pay attention to brain health every day, we still have the opportunity to slow down brain disease and degeneration. Daily supplementation of the mentioned nutrients can enhance neuronal mechanisms and maintain normal brain function. Coupled with good living habits, regular exercise, adequate and good quality sleep, and relieving accumulated stress, our brains can stay flexible and healthy.