Taipei, Taiwan (Merxwire) – Tracking down suitable and promising start-ups can be time consuming with unpredictable outcomes that comes with the nature of the industry. Rather than waiting for a start-up to mature and being spotted by much needed investor funding, the CBID Capital Innovation Accelerator was launched by CBID Capital Group to create an ideal investing ecosystem by supporting start-ups in Taiwan for the past five years. Ventures under the program receive a multitude of resource support from CBID Capital Innovation Accelerator, as well as additional channels for creative and meaningful business engagements.
CBID Capital Group is a leading private equity investment and venture capital fund manager in the Asia-Pacific region chaired by Angelo Koo, that also supports various ESG initiatives.
CDIB Capital Innovation Accelerator President Ryan Kuo said “many start-ups in Taiwan have already laid solid foundations and honed their ability to respond to rapidly changing market demands. This is especially true after meeting the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years.”
Confident with the experienced and adaptable ventures cultivated in Taiwan, the program now aims to expand to Japan after receiving significant interest from its portfolio companies. Japan’s proximity to Taiwan and a diverse market has left Taiwanese start-ups eager to try their hand in the neighboring country. The support provided by CBID Capital Innovation Accelerator has been recognized in the form of an invitation from Taiwan’s National Development Council (NDC) to attend a “Together, Go Big” conference in Tokyo with promising local start-ups. Tapping into the Japanese market will not only help start-ups directly, but also upstream and downstream Taiwan businesses as well.
Media Contact Information:
Company: Jet-Go Consulting
Contact person: Alvin Yang
Tel: +886-2-2370-8000 #2110